Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: This criterion from Cort V Ash thus weighs against. implying private right of action aiding and abetting under 10[h] 26 Application by this Court of the tort concept of aiding and abetting to l0(b) would be an unwarranied extension private civi] liability Whereas the implicd private right under I0{b} endorsed by the Court in the past merely expands the class of plaintiffs who may suc vinlators or 10(b} aiding and abeiting creates ar entirely new category of delendants who may be held joinlly put severally liahlc for damages resulting from the primary violation of another The statute provides ne justification for subj jecting such class of defen dants 10 potential securities liability especially where right improperly originates fr0m tort theory and where Con- gress purposefully restricted ...